The Fort Knox of E-Commerce: Unraveling the Impenetrable Security of Shopify's Shopping Cart

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Updated: September 11, 2023
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The Fort Knox of E-Commerce: Unraveling the Impenetrable Security of Shopify's Shopping Cart


If you're willing to set up an online shopping cart, you need to look for one that offers a secure payment system. Customers may be willing to make payments through various means, including credit cards, debit cards, and PayPal accounts. Shopify is an online store builder offering completely secure and reliable payment systems.


                         Security is inherent in any shopping cart made with Shopify.


PCI Standard Compliant


The Shopify shopping cart is compliant with level 1 of the PCI standard. It means that all the stores powered by Shopify are hosted securely, and the credit/debit card data are encrypted and secure. Achieving this compliance standard is an achievement in itself in the world of online payments


Nevertheless, you must comply with this standard to accept payments from MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover Credit Cards, etc. Having an SSL Certificate is one of the basic requirements of a PCI standard. uses a 256-bit SSL encryption technology to comply with PCI standards.


SSL Encryption


SSL encryption is the backbone of any secure network since it protects sensitive data traveling across the network. You must implement SSL in your website to protect it from various attacks, even if it does not handle sensitive information. It offers privacy, security, and integrity to your shopping cart and users' personal information.


Let us see how it offers security.


  • By Encryption


The technology encrypts data in such a way that only the intended recipient can make use of it. The information users share through their cards travels across networks and servers to reach the destination server. 


If the message is not encrypted, any computer or server in any network can snoop on sensitive information like credit card numbers, passwords, usernames, etc. If a shopping cart implements an SSL certificate, sensitive information shared by customers becomes inaccessible to everybody except the server to which the information is intended. 


An SSL certificate can protect sensitive data from identity theft and hacking.



  • By Authentication


It is not just about data encryption but also data authentication. Customers can ensure they send information to the right server and not to an identity thief. 


Since customers can access your shopping cart from different computers and hand-held devices, there is a risk that other legitimate or illegitimate users of these computers and devices may pretend the website or page is yours and trick customers or users into sending personal and sensitive information. 


Only if the website uses a properly configured Public Key Infrastructure and acquires an SSL Certificate from a trusted SSL certification provider can it offer authentication of users.


  • Trusted SSL Certificate Provider


A trusted SSL provider provides an SSL certificate only to a verified company after going through several identity checks. It is important since rogue elements may use this certificate to hide data about criminal activities from authorities. An identity check is important for this reason. 


Some SSL certificates, like EV SSL Certificates, require more identity checks than others. How do you know if an SSL certificate provider is trusted? The web browser creators verify if SSL certificate providers follow laid down practices and are audited by a third-party auditor.


  • Visitors Repose Faith On Icons of Trust


Visitors trust certain icons, such as the green bar in any shopping cart built on Shopify. These icons convince them that they can share their data without fear. SSL technology provides that seal of trust. 


Though SSL technology is expensive to procure, you can get it free from Shopify as a part of your package with them. The hosting plans of Shopify include SSL technology. You don't need to buy it for an additional cost.



  • Phishing Attacks


The HTTPS protocol is a secure protocol website use to prevent phishing attacks. These attacks are launched by criminals who try to impersonate your website. Emails sent by them include a link to their website. 


The saving grace is that these criminals cannot procure SSL certificates. That is why they cannot look perfectly like your shopping cart. The seal of trust is missing.


  • Multiple Gateways


Shopify platforms can also integrate with hundreds of payment gateways. You can choose from gateways like Valitor, Wirecard, Zip, Paysafe, Paystack, FuturePay, etc.; it helps expand the scope of payment to a large base of customers with diverse payment types, languages, and currencies.