15 Ways To Save Money On Car Insurance

Updated: October 21, 2023
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15 Ways To Save Money On Car Insurance

Not many policyholders realize they have a fair amount of power regarding their car insurance rates. There are plenty of things that you can personally do to lower how much you pay for your car insurance. Just because car insurance is required by law doesn’t mean it must be expensive. Here are some ways to cut costs and save on your car insurance. 


What Is The Cost Of Car Insurance? 


How much you pay monthly or annually for car insurance depends on personal factors like your state. The national average is about $2,014, but your state may have more costly insurance. The average amount of money a policyholder sets aside monthly for insurance is around $622. However, you will pay much more if you have a luxury car, a spotty driver’s record, or a younger driver. Once you see those insurance rates, you’ll want some discounts. 


Multi-Vehicle Discount 


This involves collaborative efforts with your family living at home. Rather than getting an insurance quote for one car, see if you can get one for all the vehicles in your household. Premiums are known to be lower for a policy that has multiple cars listed. Usually, the other drivers listed on the policy must be a part of your household and family. If two unrelated people wish to be on the same policy, they must insure a vehicle they both own. Again, bulk policies have lower premiums than standard single-person ones. 


Good Student Discount


A good way a younger driver, usually under 25, can save is with good grades. If a younger driver is on their school’s honor roll or has a good GPA, they can qualify for a good student discount. Student drivers have the highest auto insurance rates due to a lack of driving history and associated risk. Some insurance companies offer up to a 40% discount for good students. 


Multi-Policy Discount 


Like a multi-car discount, insurance providers offer more than just an auto policy for multi-policy discounts. For example, you can bundle car and homeowner’s insurance for a discount on your premiums since the provider is happy you have so much business. These discounts will be reflected on all the policies with the insurer and go up to 25%. 


Defensive Driving Course Discount


A defensive driving course can be required after a traffic violation, but it looks much better to your insurance company if you take one unwarranted. They will often give you a discount upon completion. A defensive driving discount can go up to 23%. 


Safe Driver Discount 


Of course, the best you can do is be the safest driver you can be while on the road. Being more mindful of speed limits, pedestrians, and distractions helps keep your driving record clean. This, in turn, keeps your auto insurance premiums from increasing. If you’re that safe of a driver, your auto insurer may reward you with a safe driver discount of up to 23%. 


Increase Deductible 


In insurance, your deductible is paid to your insurance provider during the claims process. This amount is set with your insurer when your policy begins. Deductibles usually go up to $1,000 and have an inverse effect on how much you pay for car insurance. In simple terms, a high deductible will result in lower rates. However, it would be best if you were always comfortable paying your deductible if you choose to change it. 


Work on Credit Score 


Insurance companies often assess a potential policyholder’s credit score to gauge their financial responsibility. That’s a huge part of having a car insurance policy since you have to stay on top of your monthly premiums. Your premiums can reflect your credit score if they are higher than average. However, you can pay your bills on time and alleviate debt for a better score and, thus, better premiums. 


Shop Around 


Affordable insurance is out there; you have to find it. Before your current policy renews, you are more than within your right to get quotes from other insurance companies. Car insurance quotes are free, so you should take advantage of them. But be mindful that even though you find lower premiums, it doesn’t mean you found a better company, so remember to look at those reviews.




Suppose you are moving or planning to soon; look at facts about where you are moving. Is it in the city or the countryside? What is the population? These play a role in determining your auto insurance rates. If your area is subject to large amounts of traffic and other drivers, the higher the premiums will be. But, if you are planning a move from the city to the suburbs, you may notice a drop in your insurance rates. 


Become A Transit Commuter 


Auto insurance companies also base their premiums on how much you drive. That means if you drive an hour to work every day, you’ll have higher premiums than someone whose community is only 15 minutes to work. To reduce your mileage, you can start taking public transit. You will find that this will reduce your car insurance rates because you are behind the wheel-less. 


Drop Unnecessary Car Insurance 


While you may be legally required to carry basic liability coverage, full coverage add-ons are usually optional. Typically, the older the car is, the less coverage the policyholder buys because it isn’t worth it. Newer cars are better insured with full coverage, but think carefully before dropping coverage you don’t need. You can never tell what will happen while out on the open road. 


Safety Device Discounts 


Car insurance companies always look at your car’s accident prevention and safety features -from airbags to rearview cameras. You can add new safety features like anti-theft devices. Your insurer may cut you a 25% discount on your premiums if you do so. 


Inquire About Other Discounts


Always inquire with your insurance agent about specific discounts you may qualify for. This can include military or corporate discounts, depending on where you work. It never hurts.  


Pay-Per-Mile Insurance 


If you don’t drive a lot (fewer than 10,000 miles annually), you can opt for a pay-per-mile policy where your premium is based on how many miles per month. Some insurance companies may require a telemetric device in your car to track your mileage. 


Other Discounts You Can Get On Your Car Insurance 


Other notable ways to save money on your car insurance are things such as going paperless when you make your payments, paying a lump sum for your first premium, and other things you can personally do with your insurance company. Always ask the insurance providers you are looking for about discounts you qualify for.