Beware of BT-Miners: A Deeply Disappointing Experience With Non-Payment!

Updated: May 22, 2024
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Reading Time: 8 Min
Beware of BT-Miners: A Deeply Disappointing Experience With Non-Payment!


Our company, Wadav, has been collaborating with BT-Miners since 2021. Initially, our partnership appeared promising, and we even had a commission agreement in place. While BT-Miners has paid a few amounts, there remains a pending payment of $1,381, which they have failed to settle.


As you can see in the screenshot below, they have paid us $3,428.89, yet our pending amount has not been settled. 


screenshot of payment record with BT-Miners


Despite numerous attempts to reach out to them, our efforts have been met with silence. We have sent multiple emails and made several phone calls, all of which have been ignored. The last communication we received from BT-Miners was on March 5, 2024. He told us they have an unpaid affiliate commission of $1381. He further added that they would pay us the remaining amount through TRC20 and send our payment methods to them if we didn’t want our payment in currency. 


Screenshot of Harvey Chen email he sent on Mar 5, 2024


We promptly provided all the necessary information when they requested our bank details to process the pending payment. However, BT-Miners has vanished without a trace since then and has refused to respond to any of our follow-ups.


This situation is incredibly frustrating and has left us feeling scammed. BT-Miners's team, including KC, Lena, and Harvey, has been highly unprofessional in its lack of communication and transparency. They have consistently ignored our attempts to resolve this matter, completely disregarding ethical business practices.


screenshot of our consecutive seven emails, with no respond from BT-Miners


We are sharing this review with a heavy heart to express our profound disappointment and to caution others about BT-Miners. Their failure to meet their financial commitments and their unresponsiveness are deeply concerning. We strongly advise potential clients and partners to avoid BT-Miners, as our experience strongly suggests that they may not fulfill their obligations and could potentially leave you in a similar, if not worse, situation.


Our Advice: 


Avoid working with BT-Miners and their team. Their unprofessional conduct and apparent intent to evade payment obligations indicate they cannot be trusted. We hope this review helps others make informed decisions and avoid the troubles we have faced.